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Flint Systems in TVP3 Gdańsk
Flint Systems was recognized by the Polish local branch of the national television as one of example of economic success of the region in 2022.
Interview with Leszek Tarnawski
Leszek Tarnawski, Flint Systems president of the board, gave an interview to Logistyka, a magazine published by Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz.
Flint Systems at e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów
It is the eight edition of the event, organized by the Gdańsk University of Technology and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.
Flint Systems at Baltic Ports Conference 2022
Organized by Baltic Ports Organization, an annual conference is a premiere event for a series of insightful presentations and discussions on the main topics shaping the current and future landscape of the maritime industry.
Flint Systems is a finalist for the 6th International VR Awards
Proud to inform that Flint Systems is confirmed as a finalist for the 6th International VR Awards for the Forklift VR training simulator!
We made a noise! Space ship simulator in the press
We observed a great interest of local media in our space ship simulator which is currently under construction. The simulator is created together with SLASE and will be delivered to the University of Wrocław at the end of the year.