Preliminary calibration procedure
The calibration procedure should be performed before the first use of the application and before moving the simulator to a new location. It is also necessary in rare cases, such as after a Steam VR update, configuring new goggles, etc.
In general, if the operator’s position in the machine is incorrect, this procedure will place the user’s avatar where it should be.
- The Steam VR application window should appear on the screen after restarting the computer. If not, launch it.
- Place the VR goggles on the special stand (“calibration head”) – the goggles should be aligned with the simulator platform and facing forward.
- Ensure the goggles can see the base stations. This is only possible if there are no physical obstructions between the goggles and the base station. The icons for the goggles and base station in the Steam VR window should be blue.
- In Steam VR, click the hamburger menu.
- Select the Room Setup option from the Steam VR dropdown menu.
- During the room setup procedure, choose Standing Only.
- When the message Goggles are ready appears, select Calibrate Center and click Next.
- In the Floor Position Calibration section, set the floor distance to 100 cm and click Next.
- A message “Setup Complete” should appear.
Calibrating the user avatar position during simulation
Although full calibration is required when setting up the simulator, it is also possible to adjust the user’s position within the simulation.
- Press F1 to move the position up.
- Press F2 to move the position down.
- Full calibration: Place the goggles on the “calibration head” (the goggles should be aligned with the platform and facing forward). Press F12.
Resetting the goggles
In some cases, Steam VR may misconfigure the goggles. If this happens, try resetting the goggles to fix the issue:
- In Steam VR, click the hamburger menu.
- Select Devices, then click Restart Headset.