1. Set up the position (calibration)
To set up the person in correct position in simulation – follow the procedure: Calibration
2. Turn on RTG
You need to turn on the machine to be able to operate. For this press Button A on Xbox Pad
For reference see: RTG Steering map
3. Picking container
Move gantry and carriage over the container.
Set the spreader to the size of cointainer (Button X for 20′ or Button Y for 40′ container)
Lower the spreader to fit precisely to container corners.
When it is lowered correctly the yellow light on cabin floor should be on.
Now you can lock the container to spreader by pressing Cross>Down on your Pad.
When locked – you should see red light on.
4. Unlocking container
When container is back on ground or other containers – you should see all lights on.
Now press Cross>Up to unlock the container.